Sunday, January 13, 2013

Activity #4

Standard A
A.4.1 When conducting science investigations, ask and answer questions that will help decide the general areas of science being addressed.

I met this in high school but also in my apprenticeship for work I am currently serving. I am a funeral director’s apprentice. And when I need to understand something better I ask questions, and my mentor will help me better understand what he is doing, or what I am supposed to be doing. I also covered this in high school while we were in labs and met requirements for certain labs. At the end we would conclude with what could have worked better or what didn’t work, and why.

Standard B
B.4.2 Acquire information about people who have contributed to the development of major ideas in the sciences and learn about the cultures in which these people lived and worked.

This standard I met also in my apprenticeship not only with my mentor, but dealing with doctors and coroners. Understanding what the causes of deaths were and certain terminologies were. I helped contribute by talking to them, or asking questions if I didn’t understand. I also relayed the message to the family if they asked me questions about what was recorded.

Standard C

C.4.1 Use the vocabulary of the unifying themes to ask questions about objects, organisms, and events being studied.

This was met in my Medical Terminology class that I took here at the Tech. I studied weekly to better understand the words from the chapter. If I had trouble I asked the teacher or my friends’ mother who is very knowledgeable because of her profession in the hospital. The quizzes and exams gave me feedback to better understand how much I really learned throughout the week of studying.

Standard D
D.4.5 Construct simple models of what is happening to materials and substances undergoing change, using simple instruments or tools to aid observations and collect data. For these experiments we used many things that could be found in a common household to make the experiment simple and real and the changes were done me simple heat, like using a burner, or freezing which is also simple. This made me realize that science exsits in more than just the classroom since we used things I knew I had in my house.

Standard E
E.4.1 Investigate that earth materials are composed of rocks and soils and correctly use the vocabulary for rocks, minerals, and soils during these investigations
This standard was met to proficient values in my Environmental Science high school classes. We also did this when we were younger in middle school. We made displays with food items to replicate the crusts of the earth. This was a very good activity for us as it made things simple for us to better understand it. The high school classes were more in depth and painted a bigger picture for when we got older.

Standard F
F.4.2 Investigate* how organisms, especially plants, respond to both internal cues (the need for water) and external cues (changes in the environment)

This standard was met in my high school Bio class when we had various plants in our classroom and worked with them, while recording the results we saw. Throughout the school year we recorded our results. The point of this, though, was not to see how fast we could kill a plant but rather to discover what environments are best fit for certain plants and how they handle being away from their traditional environment.

Standard G
G.4.4 Identify* the combinations of simple machines in a device used in the home, the workplace, or elsewhere in the community, to make or repair things, or to move goods or people.

This class was met for me in my college marketing classes as well as in the work place. We use simple tools and other things to make things easier on ourselves daily. Transportation in our industry is sometimes needed. It was always done as safe and respectful as possible. Safety is always important in our workplace, and devices and machines are used regularly to make that easier.

Standard H
H.4.4 Develop* a list of issues that citizens must make decisions about and describe* a strategy for becoming informed about the science behind these issues.

This standard was met in my environmental science class. We were studying national disease and we broke down the differences in the diseases and how to prevent getting it, as well as how to treat it if you were unfortunate enough to get the diseases. We also covered this in health classes and we were taught the differences of diseases and how they are obtained. Most of these were sexual diseases.

Part 2
1.      1. What do you see are big changes compared to the previous standards?
I I don’t see many things being changed from the previous standards. The only thing I could see that could be changed is the ages that people are taught things. Sometimes things are a little too complex for people of a younger age to understand and that is why I think that is the only possible thing that could be changed of all of the standards.

2. How are these standards connected to the other disciplines such as math and literacy?

I navigated the provided website I saw the standards were connected to disciplines such as math and English in various ways one being their framework. The whole idea of standards and the standards themselves come from people who know the field and its information well. They have worked with various age groups and know their potential and their struggles. Just like other disciplines, the science standards are based on a total different standard. It is taught differently as well. The standards have been tested and well research and are not just full of thoughts and ideas. There have been several experiments in different classrooms in various regions to set this national standard and the standards of the various disciplines.

3. What do you see will be challenges for teachers when considering some of the changes in the proposed science standards? Some of the teachers might face a difficulty in the proposed science standards because of the variety of learning styles in the classroom. Some people learn different ways and in different speeds. The teachers could face frustration and get upset about the students trying to reach these standards. You can see this when other teachers teach. They all have different styles and have different talents, as well as difficulties. These are some very hard times teachers could face.

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